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Intuitive Reading with Akashic Records

An intuitive journey through your chakras and Akashic records to help give you guidance and clarity.

1 h
125 Canadian dollars
Online Zoom Meeting

Service Description

This is an intuitive reading session, where before our appointment, I go into meditation, and draw your energy forward, I ask your spirit guides to come forward with any messages. I go through all of your chakras seeing if there are any blocks or messages within each chakra. I also quickly access your Akashic records (your book of lives) and see if there are any messages from your soul that can serve you now. Then we meet on zoom for 1hr to share the results and I also access your human design chart, and can speak to some messages your design wants to share with you for this lifetime, plus offer some care practices to help your evolution or healing if they resonate with you. Often people feel a deep connection and peacefulness to knowing they are connected and supported in this life, and feel excited and grateful to have some tools to assist with their life at this time.  Please ensure you have a quiet place to chat for the hour. This is your chance to ask questions, and we will discuss what messages or guidance came through that can help you feel more empowered and excited to take a different approach to your life and your health so that you can thrive while alive. If you would like your Human Design Chart mini read included in this session, please also include your birthdate, time, and place in the booking form to be able to access your human design chart. Energy exchange is $125.

Cancellation Policy

I understand life can be hectic, but to honour both our time, please cancel or reschedule by contacting me within 24hrs of your appointment time.

Contact Details

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